Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2010

May 31st  to June 2nd, University  of  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Program Co-chairs:

Atefeh Farzindar, NLP Technologies Inc. & Université de Montréal

Vlado Keselj,Dalhousie University

Local Arrangement Co-chair:

Diana Inkpen, University of Ottawa

in conjunction with The AI/GI/CRV 2010 Conference



News and Updates

Photos from this year's conference are now available (Please click here)!

AI'2010 Program

The AI'2010 Program is now available.

Invited speakers

 We are pleased to announce our invited speakers in Canadian AI conference this year:Dr. Dekang Lin, Dr. Guy Lapalme,  Dr. Evangelos Milios.

Accepted Papers

 We are pleased to announce the accepted papers in Canadian AI conference 2010.

 New mission for AI 2010:

This year, the Canadian AI Conference is opening its doors to industry partners, in hopes of creating ties between emerging researchers and industry leaders to potentially allow commercialization of new technologies. Experience shows that when leading players combine their strengths and work with university experts towards a vision for the future, the result is something greater than what could be achieved separately.

Easychair  Access :

click here to access AI'10  EasyChair Server.



 Workshop on Intelligent Methods for Protecting Privacy and Confidentiality in Data (May 30th 2010):

The Canadian AI’2010 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conferenceThe workshop invites papers describing original work in theory and applications of the intelligent methods protecting privacy and confidentiality of data.

 Graduate Students Symposium (May 30th 2010):

AI 2010,  invites graduate students to submit four-page extended abstracts of their thesis for possible inclusion in the AI 2010 Graduate Student Symposium and the Canadian AI proceedings published by Springer.


Important Dates

Full paper submission due February 1st, 2010

Notification of acceptance March 1st, 2010 

Final paper due March 15th, 2010

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